It crossed my mind yesterday just how hard I had to fight in order to become an "Advanced maternal aged Mother". Yes just like many of you that are mature 1st time mothers, you know the struggles of the many doctors appointments, medications and tests but even with all of that. I kept the FAITH!
Again there is no secret that I cannot remember how many doctors I have seen or how many times I had to explain to someone that at my age I did not have any children or the many physician recommendations from friends because Dr. so -in - so got their best friend, sister, aunt, cousin pregnant.
It started one day with a phone call from my younger sister telling me to check out this doctor. Honestly I was rolling my eyes into the phone because I had yet found another doctor a online with "good reviews" so I wanted to set up a phone consultation. My sister would not get off my case about seeing this doctor so I said what the HECK, I have already seen over 100 (exaggeration) so 101 would not make a big difference. I still did not make this appointment and instead went with my phone consultation. I wasn't moved either way so I didn't do anything at that time in my life I was getting exhausted with all the false hope and was beginning to face my reality of not becoming a mother.
Fast forward a few months, my sister is pregnant and so is her friend!!! 👀 Dr. So-in-so must really be good! I had to ask a thousand questions like where did you meet this doctor. Well, our mother suggested a female physician to my sister and due to other health issues, this female physician referred my sister to Dr. Jacobs. Now, I have had discussions with people who find it hard to believe me when I say that God "DID IT".
Let me explain my reasons as to how GOD DID IT. No God it not come down and cure my disease. God puts people in places to help you along the way. Not only that but faith without works is dead. I had to do my part as well and my part was to keep the faith and trust that God would do the rest. And even in the midst of my exhaustion and defeat, God had to remind me of his presence in the form of two beautiful miracle babies and show me this doctor is the one! God led me to the one and only doctor that looked at my condition and said, "in order for you to conceive a child you will first have to have surgery to remove the many fibroids in and around your uterus". His words were, "IN ORDER TOO" all the other doctors told me my chances were done in my teen years. Secondly you will need to cut out red meat, MOST definitely stop drinking soda and increase your antioxidants.
That was in 2015, I did everything I was instructed to do and along with medication fasting and prayer, my daughter was born December 30, 2016.
No one can make me see different nor truly understand my personal story and I will continue to give GOD the glory and tell the world, HE DID IT!
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